D3 Development Environment Installation Guide

Certified versions

D3 is known to work against these versions:

  • Eclipse
  • Java 6
  • Mysql 5
  • Tomcat 5.5

Install the prerequisites

Install Eclipse plugins

Developing D3 is made easier with WTP (Web Tools Platform). You will also need AJDT (AspectJ Development Tool). To install those plugins follow the steps outlined below.

  • Open the update manager dialog [Help > Software update > Find and Install]
  • Select "Find new features to install"
  • Select "Europa Discovery Site" and press finish
  • Select "AspectJ Development Tools" under "Programming Languages"
  • Select Web and JEE Development
  • Press "Select required"
  • Press Next
  • Accept the license and press Next, then Next again, then Finish
  • Grab a coffee and wait until all plugins are downloaded
  • Press "Install all"
  • Press OK when you're asked to restart Eclipse

Fetch Projects from CVS

  • Download the Project Set File
  • Import the project list into Eclipse

    File > Import > Team > Team Project Set

    If you don't check "Run import in background", you won't be able to use the platform until the import ends

  • When prompted, enter "anonymous" as user name and left the password blank

First execution

  • Create a Tomcat server definition
    • Open the Server/Installed runtimes in the preferences dialog

      Window > Preferences > Server > Installed Runtimes

    • Press Add..
    • Select Apache / Tomcat 5.5
    • Fill in the installation directory (where you have previously installed Tomcat)
    • Press OK
    • Create the datasource configuration file. Datasource definition is fetched from the user home folder. So copy d3/resources/META-INF/spring/jdbc.properties into ${user.home}/.d3 and edit its content

      Under Linux: ${user.home} = ~/

      Under Windows: ${user.home} = C:\Document And Settings<USER NAME>\

    • Open the server view [Window > Show view > Other]
    • In the server View, right click and press "New > server"
    • Select Tomcat v5.5
    • Press Next
    • Select the d3 project and add it to the configured projects list
    • Press Finish
  • Start the newly declared server
  • When the server is started point your browser to

    http://localhost:[port]/d3 where [port] is the port your server listens to (8080 on a default Tomcat install)

    You should see D3 index page

Build the project

  • Run Ant script build.xml.

    You need to set the eclipse.home property in the Properties tab of the launcher dialog (Open external tools...)

    If all went well, a war file named d3.war should be created in d3/target (you may need to refresh the projects to reflect the changes).