D3 is known to work against these versions:
http://tomcat.apache.org/download-55.cgi (select the binary core distribution)
Developing D3 is made easier with WTP (Web Tools Platform). You will also need AJDT (AspectJ Development Tool). To install those plugins follow the steps outlined below.
File > Import > Team > Team Project Set
If you don't check "Run import in background", you won't be able to use the platform until the import ends
Window > Preferences > Server > Installed Runtimes
Under Linux: ${user.home} = ~/
Under Windows: ${user.home} = C:\Document And Settings<USER NAME>\
http://localhost:[port]/d3 where [port] is the port your server listens to (8080 on a default Tomcat install)
You should see D3 index page
You need to set the eclipse.home property in the Properties tab of the launcher dialog (Open external tools...)
If all went well, a war file named d3.war should be created in d3/target (you may need to refresh the projects to reflect the changes).