D2 Development Environment Installation Guide

Certified versions

D2 is known to work against these versions:

  • Eclipse
  • Java 5+
  • Mysql 5

Install the prerequisites

Install Eclipse plugins

  • Open the update manager dialog [Help > Software update > Find and Install]
  • Select "Find new features to install"
  • Select "Europa Discovery Site" and press finish
  • Select "AspectJ Development Tools" under "Programming Languages"
  • Press "Select required"
  • Press Next
  • Accept the license and press Next, then Next again, then Finish
  • Press "Install all"
  • Press OK when you're asked to restart Eclipse

Install D2 plugin

  • Open the update manager dialog
  • Select "Find new features to install"
  • Deselect all sites
  • Create a "New Remote site"

    > Name: Decision Deck (D2) Updates

    > URL : http://decision-deck.sourceforge.net/tools/

  • Press Finish
  • Select "Decision Deck (D2) Updates"
  • Click Next
  • Accept the license, click Next then Finish
  • Press "Install all"
  • Restart Eclipse

Fetch Projects from CVS

  • Download the Project Set File
  • Import the project list into Eclipse

    File > Import > Team > Team Project Set

    If you don't check "Run import in background", you won't be able to use the platform until the import ends

  • When prompted, enter "anonymous" as user name and left the password blank
  • After all projects have been imported, configure the Package Explorer view to use Working sets as Top Level Elements in Package Explorer

First execution

  • Open Run dialog
  • Select OSGi Platform
  • Click New
  • In the plugins tab
    • Deselect Platform
    • Deselect Workspace/org.decisiondeck.eclipse.tools
    • Press Add Required
    • Press Run
    • Decision Deck should run without any further issue

Build Decision Deck

  • Run Ant script org.decisiondeck.dist/build.xml with the parameters:
    target.platform [linux-gtk|linux-motif|win32]
    export.source [true|false]
  • D2 archive should be copied to org.decisiondeck.dist/dist/decisiondeck-$target.version-$target.platform.zip
  • If export.source is true, a qualifier is added to the archive name, f.i: decisiondeck-1.1-win32-src.zip

Build the documentation

  • You need to have Maven2 installed
  • Open a shell console
  • cd to org.decisiondeck.doc
  • run
    mvn site:site  
  • Maven will download all the required libraries and transform the apt documents into valid html ones. You will find them in org.decisiondeck.doc/target/site